From birth till today, have you done anything significant to the society? What have you achieve in life? Do you enjoy the achievements? Is that something you really like? Lots of people may tell you to follow your dream. Follow your dream. Is life so easy- just following and work towards your dream?
Some people dream of money. Some dream of fame. Some dream of something else. Is that really your dream? Will money and fame give you happiness and true friendship? Or is that the society that makes you believes in something? When you are not intact with the society will your dream be the same.
Let’s take some people who dream of money- to become rich. They work hard everyday to achieve the so called financial freedom in their early years in order to be happy at the later stage of life. They is one question they need to up themselves, is there a tomorrow? Life is such a fragile thing; there is nothing certain in this world. Being able to have a positive thinking is good but sacrificing your younger years for the older years is something to be questioned. There are people who are so insane looking for money and fame until the family institution or breakdown in friendship. What if the health is affected later in the later years? They will be spending their money and their older years trying to be healthy than enjoying. These Is that worth the price of gaining money, glory and fame?
“Money is not everything but everything is money” Is that true? Money can buy you the best medicine and the best doctor. Agreed, it may even save your life in the future with the advancement in medical technology. But, have you ever wondered the quality in your life? What is the point being living long if you are not really happy? Some people might say if you are rich you can be happiness? Is that true happiness? True love? Even if it is true you might think people around you stick close to you because of your money. There is something money just cannot buy. People can fake they like you but ask your self, “How many true friends do you have?” You will only find true love and true friend when you are at the downs of your life.
10 years of quality, real happiness is worth than 100 years of suffering with anxiety.
Life is not all about money, fame and glory. It is about your life- Your own life story. It may not be necessary a story of a wealthy man. We are the actors and actress of our own stage. It is just for a while. After the show the curtains will come down. A simple story than can touch lives and generations to come is the best. Make a good show out of it as you only have this one given chance.
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