Many people or so called human beings do not know the real meaning of life. A lot will just go do the routine work day after day. They prefer not to think about their life and the meaning behind it because it is a chicken and egg phenomenon.
Since the beginning of the age, lots of philosopher and great thinkers have wondered the reason of us being in this world. Religions around the world try to create the meaning of us being in this world. People have to believe in something-for security purposes to continue living. There is people who believes in single God (monotheistic) many gods (polytheistic) and in the way to live (non-theistic).
But have you ask yourself? Are these real? Does god really exists? Or is it just a make believe thing created by humans to suppress other humans? We all know that the brain of human is a wonderful thing. We cannot deny the existence of some people who has the certain supernatural powers. Some has telepathy, telekinesis, magic and stuffs. Is that a doing of humans? Albert Einstein said that the normal human being just used 5-10% of their brain. Is that a possibility these people use more than that and claim themselves as god? Are the religions we believe in the way it is few hundred/thousand years before? Have anyone changed it according to time? Even information we give to 10 people is perceive differently. What more do we expect if it is passed down thru generations and millions of people? Even books with same title but translated into different languages have slight changes in meaning.
The meaning of life, the reason of our existence is a mystery. Some people may be sure because they believe in something and that believe can change the way they perceive this world. Maybe it is the power of the human mind? (This is call the law of attraction by philosopher and thinkers) But at the end of the day is that the truth? Or will the truth be the same as one believe in?